
User Testimonials

For a small company upgrading everyone to a new version of Access was too much money so this solution was the best, web-based and free! :) It'll be used for creating test plans and test cases so we know what was tested on our products and we have proof that it was tested. Also the status info will keep upper management happy. I've told some other QA people I know about this product and they are interested. Great work and I look forward to future upgrades --Rick

Thanks a million for putting TestLink together. Not only is it the answer to a tester's prayer, but the features are very well thought out! --Larry

First off - I want to say - I think TestLink is fantastic. I am pleased with how it functions and how useful it is (the more I use it
the more useful it becomes!) --Steve

Once i got the TestLink.sql, everything else went on like clockwork. Believe me, it's really great! Am still trying to get the hang of it. To be honest, I havent had the time to look closely due to excess workload. Meanwhile, have already tried impressing my manager with it.. :) --Arvind